Customized Search to make it easy

Job descriptions and candidate resumes never tells the entire story. Understanding the culture of the team, the personalities involved, the specific strengths required for success are all very important to consider when identifying the right candidate.


Research Every firm faces a unique set of circumstances. Our partnership begins by understanding your search criteria on a granular level. Once we have a complete understanding of the sort of candidate that would fit the role, we customize our search parameters and create a comprehensive target list of candidates. 


Outreach We reach out and screen candidates to determine whether they fit the requisite experience, educational background, and soft skills required for the role. Our thorough and proactive approach uncovers candidates who are not necessarily answering job advertisements but are open to considering a change for the right opportunity.


Selection Once we’ve identified suitable matches, we dig even deeper to further refine the candidate pool. Trust us when we say that a candidate submission from Elevate is a candidate worth considering.


Streamlining We work closely with our clients to schedule screening and follow up interviews, obtain references, business plans, and any other information required to fully consider the candidate.


Finalization After selecting a candidate, we handle salary negotiations and final terms. We ensure that we achieve the terms outlined and agreed upon during our initial research phase.


Results We aim to be a trusted partner to our clients, not simply a vendor. We are ethical, hard-working, attentive, and results driven.